There’s a new non-profit in town!
The Collider, a non-profit seeking to combine business and science on the topic of climate change, launched in the Wells Fargo Building on Friday, March 11, 2016 in Asheville.
NASA released a statement saying that February 2016 has been the “Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded”. With that news it is growing more and more important to tackle the issues of global warming and climate change. Which is exactly what the Collider is setting out to do!
“The Collider is a solutions laboratory,” said Bill Dean, The Collider CEO, who has developed research parks in the space industry of Huntsville, Ala., and biotechnology in Winston-Salem’s new research corridor. “This is a viable business model for Asheville. We will have a global reach but happen to be based here in Asheville.”
According to local Asheville newspaper, The Citizen Times,
Dean said The Collider could help generate ideas to shift crops in changing climates to prevent famine and food shortages, or help plan for more resilient roads and subways to withstand superstorms like Sandy, which devastated New Jersey and flooded lower Manhattan in 2012.
Dealing with climate change could heat up Asheville’s future economy with better paying jobs in a potential $1 trillion industry.
Read more about the Collider and climate change efforts here: http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2016/03/11/collider-puts-asheville-center-data-industry/81605722/