25 Reasons to be Thankful

25 Reasons to be Thankful

1. Family: 

Family, especially during the
holidays can be a source of stress. And all the same time, family is your
greatest gift. What would Thanksgiving be without the traditional Family
football game, an argument over the wishbone, or Aunt Linda’s pecan pie? Even
when they’re overbearing, remind yourself of all your family’s quirks,
memories, and reasons why you love them all.

2. Pumpkin Spice:

Whether it be Pumpkin Spice
Lattes, pumpkin pie, or new pumpkin recipe, it isn’t quite Thanksgiving without
a pumpkin dish.

3. Emergency Service Personnel:

Each holiday, doctors,
firefighters, police officers, military servicemen, EMT’s and all emergency
personnel are working. While they would rather be home, spending the holiday
with their loved ones and enjoying their feasts, they have a duty to be on call
in the event of an emergency. One of these heroes are probably one of your
loved ones! They tirelessly work 365 days a year, so show them your gratitude
by bringing the firefighters a treat, or by donating to a veteran’s drive.

4. Autumn Leaves:

Without the fall leaves, we
wouldn’t recognize our favorite season. There isn’t much more comforting than
the scenic views, gratifying crunch under your boots and the cool, refreshing
fall air.

5. Tiny Turkey Hands

The crafty little hand turkeys
and pilgrim hats that your nieces, nephews and children bring home from school
are a staple of the Thanksgiving holiday. What would the holiday be without a
little DIY children’s decoration?

6. Pets:

As it’s becoming ever more
popular to have fur-babies instead of children, we have to be thankful for our
pets. The begging eyes from under the dinner table to napping with your kitten,
show love to your fur friends!

7. The Macy’s Day Parade:

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is
as traditional as Thanksgiving itself. The parade began in 1924, and has been
televised since 1952, and it has grown to be one of the largest parades in the
world. Watching the parade, surrounded by the smell of food and family is the
pinnacle of Thanksgiving.

8. Friends:

Most people are closer to their
friends than they are to their family. They save the day by being a shoulder to
cry on, an ear to vent to, and an accomplice when they’re needed. We can all
agree our lives are better with our friends in them and be sure to remind them
how much you love and appreciate them this holiday.

9. Food:

Thanksgiving is a foodie’s day.
Food is the bonding agents across cultures, and throughout time has brought people
together to celebrate. Take a moment to be thankful that you have food to eat
all year long on Turkey Day.

10. Safety:

The news is full of alarming,
heartbreaking things. While you’re reading this article you’re probably in
peaceful, safe place, and that’s something to be grateful for. Use the
Thanksgiving holiday as an opportunity to give back to those who don’t have the
security that you’re so fortunate to have.

11. Your Cozy Kitchen:

Thanksgiving is the opportunity
to dust off your best china, dabble with old family recipes, and bond while
cooking. Have the kids help set the table or mix the potatoes so they can share
a sense of pride in the finished meal.

12. Health:

Regardless of physical health,
you’re lucky to be alive! We’re fortunate to be able-bodied and bright-eyed
more often than not, so be thankful that you’re still kicking!  

13. The Holiday Spirit:

More than 35% of all charitable
donations are given in the last 3 months of the year.  The helping holiday spirt brings out the best
in each of us, and that’s more important than food or gifts combined. Donate to
a charity, invite a neighbor or lonely senior into your home to share your
family with them for Thanksgiving.

14. Kindness of Strangers:

While a stranger smiling at you
in the grocery store, holding the door open for you when your arms are full, or
letting you go ahead of them in line doesn’t seem like much, it’s something to
be thankful for. Humans are all innately the same, we want to be healthy and
happy, and to be treated with hospitality, so be grateful for the kindness of
strangers this holiday.

15. Time Off from Work:

Holidays fortunately mean you get
some free vacation days, which we are all grateful for. Being able to wear your
comfy pants instead of your suit and tie in the middle of the week is worth
being thankful!

16. Dessert:

There are so many options for
dessert on Thanksgiving, and the holiday urges you try them all! Be grateful
for Aunt Susan’s pie, grandma’s banana pudding, and your mom’s cobbler.

17. Children:    

Children bring an amazing,
unfiltered perspective.  Whether they’re
telling you what they’re learning in school this week, or loudly noticing
you’ve gained a few pounds, kids are worth being thankful for.

18. Warm Sweaters:

Cooling down in the winter months
means you get to bring your favorite fuzzy sweater back out of the closet.
Bundle up with your comfy clothes, and take a post-turkey nap this

19. Parents:

There’s no one that loves, cares,
and appreciated you quite like your parents do. Mothers and fathers are the
glue that hold traditions together. Even if you can’t see your parents on
Thanksgiving, know they would rather be spending it with you.

20. Football:

Thanksgiving football and a full
stomach is how many of us spend the holiday. Playing football in the back yard
or watching your fathers-in-law’s team beat yours is a memory made.

21. Relaxion:

The nights are getting longer,
and the days are getting cooler. Thanksgiving weather is perfect for cuddling
up to binge watch your favorite show or read a book.  

22. Indoor Plumbing and Electricity:

Our ancestors had outhouses,
candles, and pigeon-mail. We have so many conveniences making everyday life
easier by leaps and bounds. This Thanksgiving ask your family what life would
be like without the internet, indoor toilets, cell phones, or running water.

23. Open Restaurants:

After you’ve burnt the turkey and
the grocery store is closed, an open restaurant is a what you’re most grateful
for. Sometimes you’ve got to let someone else do the cooking. Be sure to tip
your server well!

24. Black Friday Sales:

Gearing up for the shopping Super
Bowl on Black Friday? Everyone loves half priced TV’s, clothes, and jewelry!
And if fighting over Legos in Walmart isn’t quite your thing, Cyber Monday

25. Gratitude:

Be thankful for being thankful!
Being able to reflect on the reasons you love your life can fight seasonal depression,
relieve your anxiety and lower your blood pressure. Happy people live longer,
and you have 25 reasons to be thankful for your life!

Thanksgiving is so much more than food and festivities. It’s
a time to ponder the lessons we learned over the year, spread happiness around,
and appreciate all the great memories and amazing people we have in our lives.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at
High Touch High Tech. 

The Significance of a Partner: High Touch High Tech and Teachers

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” -Albert Einstein

High Touch High Tech has been partners with many schools
over the past 25 years. This partnership has made science FUN and educational
for students all over the world.

High Touch High Tech Founder and CEO, Daniel Shaw “For
the last 25 years, HTHT has emerged as a credible resource for teachers, by
providing hands-on science experiences that align to the curriculum. This
alignment to the curriculum solidifies our partnership with teachers. Together,
teachers and HTHT have developed a solid partnership. HTHT’s ability to pull
the science out of the textbooks and put into the student’s hands, has been
pivotal to increasing student test scores, student achievement, and most
importantly student interest in science. “

We have created several elementary school hands-on science
programs for schools and teachers that align with each state’s standard for
Science. All our programs are
centered on the individual child’s experience & can be adapted to fit the
needs of your classroom & grade level. With more than 50 Elementary Science
& Nature workshops – you can find the program that works best for you!
Students can also duplicate many of these experiments at home with their

For our preschool students we have designed science
programs that
will encourage your early learners to investigate and ask questions while
performing hands-on experiments and delving further into the world of science!

Annually we serve over 16,000 children and that number has
grown significantly over the past 25 years because of our fantastic
relationship with our teachers and schools.

Sources Cited:

Albert Einstein Quotes.
(n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from BrainyQuote.com Web
site: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/albert_einstein_130891

Our Program Services

High Touch High Tech has many different types of science
programs from preschool, to Senior Programs, afterschool enrichment programs to
fun summer camps.

We feel that early learning
in STEAM subjects should start early in a child’s life. They will learn to make
observations, make hypotheses, and use critical thinking. These skills will
help young children to grasp math and science concepts early in life creating a
strong foundation for future learning. It will also teach them to
have fun while learning.

We offer 2 different types of afterschool programs. One is
an Afterschool Science Enrichment Program, which is when we come to your school
once a week for an hour and the children get to enjoy hands-on FUN science
experiments. This program allows children to have fun and learn in a different

Our other before/afterschool program is when we come to
your school for (3) 30-minute science sessions. Children once again get to
enjoy hands-on FUN science experiments just in a shorter time.

Our Summer Science Programs are a great way to transform
summer camps into a living laboratory thorough our unique discovery-style
learning approach. Each child will participate in science exploration and get
make-and-take experiments.

We even offer many different science themed birthday
parties to choose from. You get to sit back and enjoy the party while our
Scientist brings all the materials and does all the birthday science
experiments with the children. Our
sizzlin™ science parties combine the most exciting experiments to create FUN
science memories that will last a lifetime.

Our programs are also designed for any child and parent to
do with basic household items. High Touch High Tech believes that science
should be fun with what you have in your house, not with what you must buy.

No matter what type of Science Program you want, we do it! No
matter where you want to have your science program, we come to you!

25 Years of Teamwork

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller

High Touch High Tech has been around for 25 years and many
things have changed over that time, but one thing that has not changed, is the teamwork
that we all have in the office.

At the High Touch High Tech Corporate Office, we all work
together to make sure that every program from start to finish will be
successful. From taking the first reservation to our scientist finishing the
science program, we all have one thing in common. That is to make sure each
child has a memorable, educational, FUN hands-on sci-tastic time!

We are all supportive of one another, have our own strength
and weaknesses and have an open communication policy. We have fun trying out
different and new experiments, we help and guide each other and mostly, we all
step in to help one another. That is why High Touch High Tech has been around
for 25 years, we all work together towards a common vision, along with our

Without teamwork, you don’t succeed and without success you
don’t grow and without growth, children don’t flourish and that is what High
Touch High Tech is all about. Flourishing our children, our future.


October’s Limelight School of the Month: Zebulon Elementary

Hello Jr. Scientists! Halloween was last week, and I hope
that everyone had a super safe and fun time out and about trick or
treating.  I am sure that many of your
dressed up as your favorite Scientist, “Meteor” Martin.  Sadly, I must report, that I did not see any
“Meteor” Martins running around my neighborhood. I did see lots of happy
children going door to door with full containers of candy. 

I recently had the opportunity to visit Zebulon Elementary
School, a new school to the High Touch High Tech family. I want to give a BIG
shout out to Mrs. Langley, her fellow teachers, and all of the Kindergarteners!  We had a fantastic day of hands-on Science, by
flexing our observation muscles and learning about a wide variety of topics.

The Scientifically Science lesson plan is wonderful for
Kindergarten students, as they are able to dive into a variety of Science
subjects by using their five senses in order to “Observe” and inspect different
objects, engaging and exploring magnetism in new ways, and discovering the
differences in solid, liquid, and gaseous states. 

The children had an incredible time learning, discussing,
and exploring each topic.  As I walked
around the room, I stopped by each working group and prompted conversations
about what they noticed during the experiment. 
As I spoke with one group, a young boy yelled out, “You are the BEST
ever!”  It is always great to hear that
from a child, because I know it is genuine. 
A child won’t sugar coat anything. 
A good reaction always makes my day.

I had a great time with the Kindergarten class at Zebulon
Elementary and I look forward to seeing the staff and students again in the

Until next month, this is “Meteor” Martin blasting off!