~Back to School SPECIALS~




It is that time of year again, the new school year is starting!

Have you booked your hands-on FUN science program with High Touch High Tech?

Have you checked out our AWESOME Specials?

If you have not, there is still time!

Have you booked you hands-on FUN science programs with HTHT?



Can you believe Summer is almost over and it is almost time to go back to school? We know all you teachers are busy getting your classrooms ready, working on lesson plans and getting field trips set up for the year. Did you know that High Touch High Tech, Science Made Fun comes to your school? Yes, that is correct, we come to you for in-school field trips!

During an in-school field trip, students are given the opportunity to use the tools as a working scientist would use such as magnifying glasses, thermometers, graduated cylinders, scales & balances & more. Students are able to use these tools when experimenting to classify, measure, compare & hypothesize their observations. Access to these tools takes students beyond gathering data & helps to extend their senses. Your only job is to sit back and relax and let our Scientists do all the work!

Our programs are aligned with the North Carolina Essential Standards for Science (N.C.E.S). We offer many different science programs to meet your needs, all our programs are broken up into grade levels, and we offer many specials throughout the year!

Give us a try, You’re Going To Love Our Programs! We Look Forward To Visiting Your Classroom Soon!

Proudly celebrating 25 years of providing hands-on experiments to children!

Call us at 800.444.4968

or email us at info@ScienceMadeFun.net

Click here to check out our website!