Some people may feel that Earth Day is no laughing matter, but here at High Touch High Tech, we believe science can be FUN – especially on days like today. To that end, here are some of our favorite funny Earth Day pictures, videos & moments that promote green living & will make you laugh at the same time.
Looking for FUN Earth Day activities or ways to celebrate? Check out these great resources:
High Touch High Tech is the leader in innovative, hands-on science and nature experiences for children, serving over 4 million children annually with 29 franchise locations across the United States, Canada, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam & Turkey.
That’s right folks, tomorrow is Earth Day which means today marks the start to a full week of celebrating the planet we call home. Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal as birds sing, flowers bloom, the sun shines and people across the world join together to celebrate our planet. Earth Day was established to raise environmental concerns to the forefront of our national conscience.
Earth provides everything we need to survive – shelter, food, water, air and so much more! This annual holiday serves as a reminder of how we personally impact the Earth. It presents an opportunity to educate children on how to make responsible decisions when it comes to protecting the Earth’s resources. Some may not realize that making small changes in our daily routine can minimize our carbon footprint.
Get involved with Earth Day!
Every year on April 22, over a billion people in 190 countries take action for Earth Day. From San Francisco to San Juan, Beijing to Brussels, Moscow to Marrakesh, people plant trees, clean up their communities, contact their elected officials, and more—all on behalf of the environment.
Like Earth Days of the past, Earth Day 2014 will focus on the unique environmental challenges of our time. As the world’s population migrates to cities, and as the bleak reality of climate change becomes increasingly clear, the need to create sustainable communities is more important than ever. Earth Day 2014 will seek to do just that through its global theme: Green Cities. With smart investments in sustainable technology, forward-thinking public policy, and an educated and active public, we can transform our cities and forge a sustainable future. Nothing is more powerful than the collective action of a billion people.
Did you know?
If everyone in the United States recycled their newspaper, the lives of 41,000 trees would be spared each day. That adds up to about 15,000,000 trees per year! One single tree can detoxify the air of up to 60 pounds of pollutants. Unfortunately only 27% of all American newspapers are recycled. Recycling can also help save energy for households across the nation. Recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to watch three hours of TV or the equivalent of one half gallon of gasoline.
Whether you are an Earth Day celebration veteran or just getting started, there are plenty of opportunities and ways that you can make a contribution throughout this week & every week.
Think Globally, Act Locally!
Here are 5 simple and fun ways to make a positive impact this week in your home, school or community:
Support your local farmer’s markets
Unplug your charger(s) and other electronics that you are not using
Reduce your shower to 5 minutes
Bring your own recyclable bag to the grocery store
Stop printing out your ATM receipts
April is a time of new beginnings so spring into action by introducing new habits that will help in conserving water, renewing energy, reducing waste, and improving air quality. This is your chance to make our planet a safer, healthier place to live, work, and play for all living things!
Comment below & let us know how you plan to celebrate this week!
Looking for more ideas on how to celebrate? Check out these great resources:
As the global organizer behind Earth Day, Earth Day Network creates tools and resources for you to get involved with Earth Day in your community. Check out this video on the official 2014 Earth Day theme: Green Cities.
High Touch High Tech is happy to announce a new addition to our ever-growing, global science family. The new HTHT franchise location will soon be opening its doors in Hanoi & operating in schools all across Vietnam. Franchise training took place at the HTHT Global Headquarters in Asheville, NC at the end of February. As you can see in the pictures below, Terri-dactyl Terri & Dinosaur Dan had a blast teaching the new franchise owners that FUN science is a universal language!
New franchise owner, Ha, erupts a record-height volcano during franchise training!
Four million kids annually participate in High Touch High Tech programs. Every day, every hour, somewhere in the world, there is a High Touch High Tech program currently happening. As the leader in innovative, hands-on science & nature experiences, we have created a community of young learners keen on rolling up their sleeves, fueling their imagination, sparking their curiosity, and doing REAL science.
New franchise owner, Hong, conquered the bag-stab with no problem!
Kuoa loved getting hands-on with the science of our blow-mud experiment.
We are thrilled to be expanding into Vietnam & are looking forward to bringing our signature hands-on science experiences to children in this new part of the world. From the corners of Western North Carolina to the coasts of South Korea, the new HTHT of Vietnam joins our outstanding family of existing franchises serving 29 locations across the globe!
Welcome to the High Touch High Tech Family!
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