Hello Jr. Scientists! Halloween was last week, and I hope
that everyone had a super safe and fun time out and about trick or
treating. I am sure that many of your
dressed up as your favorite Scientist, “Meteor” Martin. Sadly, I must report, that I did not see any
“Meteor” Martins running around my neighborhood. I did see lots of happy
children going door to door with full containers of candy.
I recently had the opportunity to visit Zebulon Elementary
School, a new school to the High Touch High Tech family. I want to give a BIG
shout out to Mrs. Langley, her fellow teachers, and all of the Kindergarteners! We had a fantastic day of hands-on Science, by
flexing our observation muscles and learning about a wide variety of topics.

The Scientifically Science lesson plan is wonderful for
Kindergarten students, as they are able to dive into a variety of Science
subjects by using their five senses in order to “Observe” and inspect different
objects, engaging and exploring magnetism in new ways, and discovering the
differences in solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
The children had an incredible time learning, discussing,
and exploring each topic. As I walked
around the room, I stopped by each working group and prompted conversations
about what they noticed during the experiment.
As I spoke with one group, a young boy yelled out, “You are the BEST
ever!” It is always great to hear that
from a child, because I know it is genuine.
A child won’t sugar coat anything.
A good reaction always makes my day.

I had a great time with the Kindergarten class at Zebulon
Elementary and I look forward to seeing the staff and students again in the
Until next month, this is “Meteor” Martin blasting off!