Word Slam Poetry and STEAM

On Friday, April 29th there will be a Asheville Word Slam taking place at the Dr. Wesley Grant Southside Center from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. High Touch High Tech is sponsoring this community event in support of STEAM education and community involvement.

STEAM education is and acronym for the studies of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Adding Art and Design into STEM education is crucial in order for future generations to drive innovation. Watch as John Maeda speaks at TED in June 2012 about  technology, art and deisgn working in unison to inspire true innovation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAuDCOl9qrk

So how does Slam Poetry fit into the realm of STEAM education? Slam Poetry is a type of Art where the poets recite their own work or work from others that use dynamics (going from a whisper to a shout), pacing (speeding up and slowing down) and pausing to add drama. This type of Art is a great way to inspire individuals in an audience about different topics. Topics can include current events, social issues, religion, and much more!

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