One shape is a favorite among architects, the triangle. The
triangle is the strongest shape, capable of holding its shape, having a strong
base, and providing immense support.
Some of the world’s most famous architectural marvels like the Eiffel
Tower, Great Pyramids of Giza, and the Louvre Pyramid use the support of
triangles to make beautiful, durable structures. Two of the most used triangles
in architecture are the 30⁰-60⁰-90⁰ triangle, and the 45⁰-45⁰-90⁰ triangle.

There are a few types of triangle: the equilateral triangle which
has 3 sides of equal length, an isosceles triangle with two equal sides, and a
scalene triangle which has no sides of equal length. Aside from all the differences
in triangles, they have some similarities, they all have three sides and are extremely
stable. Comparing how other shapes stand up to pressure proves the triangles
resilience. If pressure is applied to one side of a square, it will eventually shift
into a rhombus. No matter the amount of pressure applied to a triangle, it will
absorb the pressure and remain rigid. A polygon is a shape made from straight
lines, and the triangle is the only polygon that will not shift under pressure.

Due to triangles ability to withstand tremendous pressure, this
shape is often found in architecture to provide stability. Geometry and architecture
are linked fundamentally, and by understanding the form of the triangle,
architects provide the support they need to a developing structure. A-frame
homes, truss bridges, and geodesic domes rely on triangles to create a durable

The smallest polygon is the strongest polygon, and the number of structures
relying on the strength of the triangle prove that. As an amateur architect,
you can create vast structures using triangles. Triangular support beams can be
found in large sporting arenas, bridges, and your home’s foundation! Triangles
are one amazing shape!

You can test the strength of a triangle today by building your own
truss bridge! https://sciencemadefun.net/downloads/Truss%20Bridge_EOTD_May%205th.pdf

Equilateral triangle, and from the middle of each side, one were to place an interior frame board, spanning from each center of the exterior sides to the next, so that now, the triangle has is segmented into four triangles. One in the middle and each tip, now it’s own triangle. How much stronger has the triangle become? Doubled, tripled or more in strength? I ask in that I have an interest in geodesic domes and because, it is the basics of a truss system and I wondered if there is a definitive equation on this. We are only talking about the pressure placed on a single tip of course.