Not sure what to get for your science lover in the family this year for Christmas? Take a look at some of these trending science toys and gifts below, they will surely be a hit!
1. Micro Magnets*:
*These are not suitable for young children!
You can purchase the MicroMagnets from Zen Magnets Here!
2. Project MC2 Ultimate Lab Kit:
For more Project MC2 gifts check out these links:
H2O Powered RC Car:
Ultimate Spy Bag:
A.D.I.S.N Journal:
You can find these Project MC2 Kits Here!
3. Ozobot Robot:
4. Makey Makey: An Invention Kit for Everyone:
You can Buy the Makey Makey here!
5. Gravity Maze:
6. View Master – Virtual Reality Headset:
Get the View Master Headset Here!
7. Crayola Color Alive Easy Animation Studio:
You Can Purchase the Crayola Easy Animator Kit Here!
8. Hot Ice Crystals:
You can buy the Hot Ice Crystals Science Kit Here!
9. Kinetic Sand:
Buy Kinetic Sand on!
10. Energy Stick: