HTHT of WNC Celebrates The Champions of Asheville City Schools!

High Touch High Tech recognizes the value and importance of the teacher’s role and creating the next generation of scientists. On November 6th, HTHT sponsored the 2011 Celebration of Champions for Asheville City Schools. Their sponsorship provided all of the ACS Science teachers with tickets to attend the event. Educators from across Asheville were dined and entertained by an awards ceremony and even a High Touch High Tech Raffle. With the support of High Touch High Tech, Asheville City Schools raised over $14,000 to benefit programs in the city schools and honored some amazing individuals and programs in the community.

TheAshevilleCitySchool’s mission is to promote the success of all of our young people by mobilizing the community. Each year, we are honored to recognize those key champions who are making a difference, providing our young people with opportunities to thrive.