Limelight School Of The Week…..


GRADE:    Pre-School


PROGRAM:  Shoot For The Stars

SCIENTIST:  Meteor Martin


This week’s LIMELIGHT SCHOOL OF THE WEEK IS……Duke Memorial Weekday School, Durham, NC


Hello Scientists.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful and Scientifically great week.  The last few months have been soooo busy with all the new schools and lessons that have been going on here at High Touch High Tech of RDU and surrounding areas.  I have met tons of new friends and some truly incredible teachers.  One of these just so happens to be Duke Memorial Weekday School in Durham, NC.

While at Duke Memorial, I had the pleasure of working with some amazing Preschools who had the opportunity to learn about and explore outer space while we “Shoot for the Stars.”  These children blew me away with their knowledge of what you can find in outer space and even that “Shooting stars are really Meteors” WOW! That was great.

These kids were fantastic little astronauts as we learned about stars, constellations and shooting starts.  They took tuns, waited patiently as I distributed the materials and shared as well as any other class that I have worked with.  Hats off to Mrs. Fox and the rest of the teachers.  I can’t wait to have the chance to work with you all again

As a side note, one of the little boys was walking out of the room with who I found out to be his brother.  I asked if they were twins and the little boy said, “Yes, but we don’t have the same birthday.”  So, I leave you with that little tiny brain teaser and until next time, this is “Meteor” Martin Blasting off!!! 😊

Limelight School of the Week….



GRADE:  4th Grade

TEACHER:  Ms. Coleman 

PROGRAM:  “Jurassic Classic”

SCIENTIST:  Meteor Martin


This week’s LIMELIGHT SCHOOL OF THE WEEK IS……Pleasant Union Elementary School, Raleigh, NC.


Hello Scientists!!!  This week was packed full of fun and amazing lessons covering a wide variety of topics.  The list included: having fun with sound, learning about forces and motions, building robots and our lesson at the Limelight school of the week, Jurassic Classic.

The 4th Graders at Pleasant Union Elementary enjoyed learning about the history of the earth, where it came from and how it changed as time went by.  They also had a tremendous amount of enthusiasm as we began our experiments, so much in fact, that they didn’t want to stop talking about each one so that we could move onto the next.

We spent so much time observing, talking, and asking questions that for each class, I had to quickly set up and perform the last experiment myself in order to complete our lesson as planned.  It is amazing how quickly 75 minutes can pass by when every child interacts and participates in our fun and interactive lesson.

I would like to give a BIG shout out to the 4th graders at Pleasant Union Elementary and Ms. Coleman for sporting the HTHT Lanyard!! Thank you so much for having High Touch High Tech be part of your learning experience. 😊

Until next time, this is “Meteor” Martin blasting off.

A Scientists Week at HTHT

Hello scientists, this is Meteor Martin and I am going to discuss our lessons for the week of Nov. 5th, 2018.  First, we had Kindergartner’s work on Weather Wizards.  Next some 3rd graders loved The Body Shop and finally we studied ecosystems with 5th graders and went on an Eco Safari.


For Weather Wizards, we discussed and discovered different weather events and climates as the children had a chance to “touch” lightning and “see” thunder.  Next, we went ice fishing, and the kids learned to pick up ice with a piece of string using a secret ingredient.  Finally, we all made instant snow that the teacher could keep and use it throughout the school year.




The Body Shop was a blast!  The 3rd graders were able to see first hand digestion of a cracker using saliva.  Then, everyone made a polymer very similar to how our digestive system takes food and turns it into energy.  Next, we got to take a very close, HANDS ON look at a cow liver, kidney and heart.  The reactions of the children were priceless.




Finally, this week, we went on a safari to explore and talk about ecosystems.  The children made a rain forest from the ground up as we spoke about its different layers and what they are comprised of.  Next, each child made there very own corral reef with bright colors and sea weed.

Whew, What A  Week!!! Now to get supplies ready for some more fun and exciting hands-on experiments next week!




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