The Limelight School of the Week is…. Vandora Springs Elementary School in Garner, NC.



TEACHER:  Ms. Allaman

GRADE: 2nd grade

PROGRAM:  Cycle Babble

SCIENTIST:  Meteor Martin


Good Day to all the wonderful and extremely talented Scientists out there.  With Summer just around the corner, I assume those of you in traditional schools, are counting down the days until vacation and all the fun you will have traveling, going to the pool, summer cookouts, and hopefully seeing me in Summer Camps around the area!  For those of you in year-round schools, I’m sorry, but you will still be able to have loads of fun, and just think, at least you will be cool sitting in the classroom with all of your friends.

This week I want to give a huge shout out to Mrs. Allamon and the rest of the 2nd Grade teachers and students at Vandora Springs Elementary.  I had the opportunity to work with these bright and enthusiastic students not once, but twice, in one week.  We had such a great time leaning about the Life Cycles of organisms as well as different aspects of Weather.

I quite often mention to children during classes that little did they know, that they were going to be participating in not only a science class but also an art class at the same time. This lesson plan on life cycles is no joke as we build all four stages of metamorphosis of an insect from egg to adult.  I enjoy how most students will line their desks in correct order as we complete each stage.

One of my favorite subjects is Meteorology and I love being able to transfer my enthusiasm about weather to the children.  We covered information about our atmosphere, random collisions of particles as well as talking about low- and high-pressure systems.  The most exciting part of the lesson was when the kids are able to see how it is possible to blow up an eight-foot wind bag with only one breath.  I wish you could hear all the oohs and aahs from the children as the experiment works.  The bewilderment on their faces is truly something to witness.

I would like to thank Mrs. Allamon and the rest of the very helpful 2nd Grade staff for having High Touch High Tech be part of the curriculum at Vandora Springs Elementary.  I can’t wait to see you all again next year.  I hope your summer is safe, restful and full of fun adventures.

Until net year, this is “Meteor” Martin blasting off!!!