HTHT Scientist, Lunar Leslie Steps Up to Fight Multiple Sclerosis

HTHT Scientist Leslie Newman, also known as Lunar Leslie, was featured in the local Hendersonville Citizen Times newspaper this  week. Leslie is an avid hiker, runner and athlete despite being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2005.  The Hendersonville Citizen Times article features Leslie and the self defense class she took part in- coined “Disabled but not Defenseless.”

Multiple sclerosis, often called MS, is a disease that affects the central nervous system-the brain and the spinal cord. It can cause problems with muscle control and strength,vision, balance, feeling, and thinking.  MS affects each person differently so understanding the basics about MS is just the first step for people diagnosed with the illness.

Through volunteering and planning fundraisers through community events, Leslie has become an asset to the WNC Multiple Sclerosis community- empowering herself & others affected by MS with the tools needed to live their life to the fullest despite having this unique and comprimising disease. Lunar Leslie remains active and has become a valuable member of the High Touch High Tech team.

As she continues to use her illness for good,  High Touch High Tech is proud to stand with her every step of the way! There are many ways that you can help those affected by this disease. Funds raised for the National MS Socieity go to the medical research that can one day find a cure for this disease.  Read the full article in The Citizen Times by clicking here:  All we can say is …Way to Go Leslie!


Get Involved! Check out these opportunities to help fight Multiple Sclerosis…

Bike MS

Are you up for the challenge? And ready for the ride of your life?  With more than 100 unique rides across the nation, you can find the ride that’s just right for you. These fully supported rides not only connect you to more than 100,000 other riders but also to a growing movement to end multiple sclerosis.

Walk MS

Walk MS is a simple, but incrediblely powerful way for you to share in the hope for the future. Walk MS is our rallying point, a place and time for us to stand together and to be together. There are nearly 600 MS walks–join the Walk MS in your community

Mud Run MS

Mud Run MS is a 10k course designed and built by a company with more than 12 years of experience in producing Mud Runs. The course includes boot camp style obstacles, most of which contain water and mud! Help create a world free of MS by registering today. 100% of the money raised by participants will benefit the National MS Society.

Challenge Walk

Accept the challenge to walk 30-50 miles over 2 to 3 days, at any of our nine Challenge Walks across the nation.

Community Events

Are you interested in hosting and creating your own Community Event to raise awareness and fundraise for the MS movement? Let us help you get started!

Other Local Events:

  • The Dinner of Champions is the premier gala event of the National MS Society honoring many of America’s most prestigious corporate leaders.
  • The Women on the Move Luncheon is an education and fundraising luncheon that creates an inspiring, motivational and empowering environment


The gift of time can provide a meaningful experience for you while helping others. Volunteers are vital to the work of the National MS Society. Your valuable skills and fresh perspectives will make a difference for people living with MS.  Contact your local Society office to find out how you can help create a world free of MS. You can also visit to get started today.

Take Action through Activism

Sign up to be an MS activist. Help turn MS issues into national priorities. Call on public officials to make changes that benefit people living with MS. Thousands are getting involved. Many are individuals who live with MS. Some are friends and family members. And many simply recognize their passion and ability to make a difference.

Programs and Services

Living with MS means the road to wellness is more than treatment of the disease. Equally important are health and wellness strategies, a strong support network of family and friends, satisfying work and leisure activities, a meaningful place in the community, and adequate attention to one’s inner self. The National MS Society offers a variety of programs and services to help you meet those needs.

Corporate Support

Involve your company and colleagues. Join the hundreds of companies that have partnered with the National MS Society through corporate teams, sponsorship, and outright giving.