~September’s Limelight School of the Month~



Congratulations to First Baptist Church Academy for being the FIRST Limelight School of the 2019-2020 school year!

Hello Scientists, I hope that everyone had a fantastic summer filled with amazing activities and memories with the family.  I have to say, it sure is great to begin a new season of High Touch High Tech’s addition of our Limelight School of the Month! Not to mention, that this year is a very special year for us at High Touch High Tech as it is our 25th BIRTHDAY.  YAY!!!

We are starting the year off strong by visiting many NEW schools as well as seeing some old friends.  This week, I had the opportunity to visit a new group of students at First Baptist Church Academy.  The four year old’s in Miss Kaitlyn’s Pre-K class were simply amazing.  We had sooooo much fun using our observation skills in order to examine several different fun materials while using a magnifying glass in order to take an even closer look.  At one point during the class, as I was helping a group of kids, I hear one child yell out, “This is so fun.”  It is always a wonderful feeling when you are able to hear the excitement of children having the opportunity to learn and be excited about science.

Our next experiment involved making gas by mixing a solid and a liquid.  You may visit our Facebook page in order to see the children back up from their tables as we were able to measure and observe just how much gas was created.  It was so funny to watch this unplanned reaction.

I would like to thank Miss Kaitlyn and Mrs. Amy for having High Touch High Tech be a part of the monthly curriculum at FBC Academy.  I am so excited to what the rest of the year brings.


Until next time, this is “Meteor” Martin blasting off!




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