April Showers Bring May Flowers!


You know how the saying goes, April showers bring….May flowers! But does rain in April really bring flowers to May? Well let’s find out! 

Perennials are a type of flower that die off in the fall but will bloom again each Spring. Some perennials, especially in warmer areas, might actually start blooming in March or April. When the average temperature in an area begins to approach spring-like weather, flowers will begin to bloom, regardless of exactly how much rain they received. Early warm spells can also trigger flowers to begin to bloom but can be detrimental if the warm spell is short-lived.  If the warm spell is followed by a hard frost, flowers flowering trees may die and not bloom again until the following year. 

Therefore, its less about the rainfall and more about the temperature of an area that brings those beautiful flowering perennials back to life! 

Perhaps the saying is just a way for people to focus on the warmer, sunnier summer months ahead to get them through the dreary, cold, rainy days. Rather than having anything actually to do with botany. 

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